Giving To Our Neighbors
As we continue to feel the chill of winter around us, we are always looking for ways to shelter the most vulnerable in our community.
Last week during the atmospheric rains, we moved 14 people into hotel rooms to ensure they had a warm, dry place to sleep. Additionally, 14 others have been moved into Los Guilicos Village and the Santa Rosa Fairgrounds. This doesn’t include those who are a part of our Safe Parking Program.
That’s 28 people who are temporarily housed while we help them search for more permanent housing. We were able to achieve this through your generosity and a Sonoma County grant for winter hotel rooms, but it will last only until the end of January 2022.
To ensure that our clients in hotels also had food, our friends at Delicious Dish prepared weekend meals (two per day, per person), and SOS staff delivered them on Saturday and Sunday.
Rainer Maria Rilke said, “This is the miracle that happens every time to those who really love. The more they give, the more they possess.” Each time we give to our neighbors, we recognize just how much we have at SOS.
Over this year, we’ve been able to learn more about the people we serve. They range in age from 5 to 87 years old and receive everything from warm meals to one-on-one case management that helps them access housing, healthcare, and work opportunities.
In 2021 we served 738 unique individuals across our various programs, including the 193 people who got their essential COVID vaccines at our clinics. Of those who use our food program, 92% are Sonoma residents. They grew up here; many of them went to school here. Their families are still here, and they may be the sibling, child, or parent of someone you know.
Since 2007, SOS has been the only provider of local services for the hungry and homeless in Sonoma and Sonoma Valley. We exist to help and to be there for our neighbors who are struggling. Our services often alleviate the impossible choice many of our clients face: of either paying for rent or buying food.
We can’t do all of this without you.
As this year comes to a close, I encourage you to make a year-end contribution to SOS as we rise to the challenge of providing 50,000+ meals, countless services, and shelter to those in need.
Please help us help our Sonoma community!
Thanks so much.
Kathy King
Executive Director
Sonoma Overnight Support