The Promise of a Better Life
June 4, 2022
Dear Friend of SOS,
The 64th Sonoma Valley Memorial Day observance was held in Sonoma last weekend.
The Rotary Club of Sonoma Valley, the Rotary Club of Sonoma Sunrise, and the Rotary Club of Sonoma Springs provided an “All-American Picnic” in the Sonoma Veterans Memorial Building. We are so grateful that they donated 160 extra hamburgers and buns to SOS. The need continues to grow – we served 96 breakfasts, 160 lunches, and 42 deliveries, totaling 298 meals in a single day.
Produce donations from our local farms help us keep our menu healthy. Dawn, our Sous Chef, visited Sun Ray Farm this week and picked up spinach, turnips, radishes, Little Gems lettuce, fennel, and arugula.
To handle the workload during the summer, with staff and volunteers taking well-deserved vacation breaks, we have hired an additional kitchen assistant, Sonia C.
In the words of John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, “For one true measure of a nation is its success in fulfilling the promise of a better life for each of its members. Let this be the measure of our nation.”
At SOS, we measure our success not just in the number of meals we serve or the number of people that we feed, but in the compassionate service we provide for those who want a better life.
Thank you all for your continued support.
Kathy King
Executive Director
Sonoma Overnight Support